Pitopito Kōrero
Iwi & Community News
Iwi & Community News
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Kaitiaki insights into implementation of our future resource management system
He mihi – Thank you for attending our online engagement hui on Tuesday 22 November 2022 to discuss the key considerations for transitioning and implementing the future resource management system.
Free whānau fun with an outdooor movie night at Parawhenua Marae
UPDATE FRIDAY 18TH: There is rain forecast on Saturday evening so our Bigscreen Outdoor Screening is postponed to Friday 2nd Dec. Keep reading HOWEVER we will still be playing the movie […]
Kaitiaki insights into implementation of future RM system
/in News, RM System, Taiao / EnvironmentTēnā koutou katoa,
Kaitiaki insights into implementation of our future resource management system
He mihi – Thank you for attending our online engagement hui on Tuesday 22 November 2022 to discuss the key considerations for transitioning and implementing the future resource management system.
UPDATE: Movie Night
/in Fun Whānau Event, Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu18th Nov UPDATE: NEW DATE due to rain, FRIDAY 2ND DECEMBER, starting from 7.30pm Kai/Prizes/Movie at sunset. Nau mai, haere mai to our fun whānau event for 2022 at Parawhenua Marae. Open to all descendants, connected marae and the hāpori/community within Taiamai.
Come enjoy Lion King Reo Māori outdoors under the stars on a 15sqm Big Screen. A smokefree event sponsored by Hāpai Te Hauora. BYO chair & blanket.
Our Free Whānau Event is on this Saturday 19th November.
Proudly SMOKEFREE and sponsored by Hāpai Te Hauora with additional sponsorship from Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngāpuhi.
Remember to bring your own chair, blanket, and mokopuna.
Nau mai Taiamai. Limited capacity. Check back on the website on Friday 18th for any weather postponement.
UPDATE: Disney’s Lion King Reo Māori at Parawhenua Marae
/in Fun Whānau Event, Ngā Hapū o Te AhuahuUPDATE FRIDAY 18TH: There is rain forecast on Saturday evening so our Bigscreen Outdoor Screening is postponed to Friday 2nd Dec.

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Fun whānau event during our weekend hapū gathering at Parawhenua Marae. Open to all whānau and connected marae in Taiamai rohe.