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RSVP: Hapū Hui & wānanga on wai claims
Our next hapū hui is August 13-14 at Parawhenua Marae. Please RSVP so we can gather confidently.
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1. Name
2. Your Email
3. Are you registered with our hapū?
3a. Please tell us your connection to our hapū for verification
4. Will you be attending?
Yes, at the marae
Yes, online via zoom (if available tbc)
No, I'm unable to attend
4a. Please tell us who will attend with you online via zoom.
5. Please indicate which days you will be in attendance.
Saturday (AM-PM)
Sunday (AM-PM)
6. Are you bringing other whānau or uri with you?
6a. Please tell us who will be accompanying you, and if they will be sleeping at the marae.
will have be
7. Marae accommodation; please select if you will be staying overnight
It is our shared duty to look after our Marae with full respect and leave it as given, if not better.
8. Any physical challenges you need us to be aware of?
9. Koha
I intend to contribute food, please send me details how I can do this.
I intend to contribute money, please send me details how I can do this.
I also can help in the kitchen to prepare meals.
Tēnā koe, my whānau will contribute on my behalf.
Tēnā koe, I have already contributed.
With contributions from descendants, hapū can gather proudly and confidently to accommodate and feed everyone. Marae hireage for the weekend is $400 + $150 bond.
Do you have any further comments, questions or concerns?