Ko wai tātou?
Who are we?
Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu affiliated sub-tribes include – Ngāti Hineira, Ngāti Korohue, Te Uri Taniwha and Te Whānau Whero. We are sub-tribes of Ngāpuhi which traces its ancestry to our many formidable tūpuna.
On the 20th March 2021 a hapū hui was held at Rāwhitiroa Marae, Te Ahuahu – where it was decided to gather as Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu on a quarterly basis.
The hope is that regular hapū gatherings will help strengthen who we are by connecting all uri (descendants) back to our hapū so to better prepare, plan, design and build a thriving collective future of our collective choosing.
Our first quarterly hapū hui as Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu was held at Rāwhitiroa Marae on 15th May 2021. Approximately 37 uri gathered in person and online, engaging in kōrero that was able to assess where we were at, along with agreed actions.
We are now in a phase of actively learning, re-learning and perhaps even un-learning who we are. By acknowledging what has always been here, recognising what has been taken, removed, or lost, and identifying actions we can do today to better our tomorrow.
The future and prosperity of our hapū is reliant on the actions of its descendants today. Hapū need all uri (descendants) to actively engage, participate and contribute in ways that will strengthen our foundations. By using manaakitanga & whanaungatanga to humbly keep us all accountable. By doing this we positively build upon a legacy that our tupuna have bestowed upon us to carry on. What does this mean? Please make time for your hapū. Mā whero, mā pango, ka oti ai te mahi.