Parawhenua Marae
20 Te Ahu Ahu Road, Ōhaeawai 0472, Kerikeri, Far North, New Zealand
Agenda advertised in paper and facebook. Email will be sha appointment of Three Trustees, removal of trustees, charter presentation (please email in any suggestions to the proposed charter update) Te Waimate Taiamai Collective redress support (Waitangi Claims) and AGM date confirmation. If you have not received communications from your whanau Marae Trustee, hapū comms are […]
Parawhenua Marae
20 Te Ahu Ahu Road, Ōhaeawai 0472, Kerikeri, Far North, New Zealand
Two upcoming wānanga dates have been confirmed by our Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu Waitangi Claims Working Rōpū. These are April 25-27th and May 23-24th at Parawhenua Marae. These wānanga will continue the mahi within our hapū-endorsed five-phase plan (see diagram below) and provide information to whānau regarding the settlement process with Crown representatives. The […]
A couple of descendants of our hapū have entered into this years Hot Printz Bay of Islands Run/Walk Festival, as Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu. Keen to join in, contact Dianne and Manawa through comms or register with the team here ‘The Hotprintz Bay of Islands Run/Walk Festival is the third event in the Sport […]
Parawhenua Marae
20 Te Ahu Ahu Road, Ōhaeawai 0472, Kerikeri, Far North, New Zealand
Two upcoming wānanga dates have been confirmed by our Ngā Hapū o Te Ahuahu Waitangi Claims Working Rōpū. Second wānanga date is May 23-24th at Parawhenua Marae. These wānanga will continue the mahi within our hapū-endorsed five-phase plan (see diagram below) and provide information to whānau regarding the settlement process with Crown representatives. The specific […]