The government has recognised it’s unusual to put a region into Alert Level 3 when there are no further cases, however, it is vitally important that we get ahead of any potential spread, set up widespread testing and continue contact tracing efforts. There are confirmed locations of interest in Whangārei and Kāmo, but the positive case is also believed to have travelled to Kawakawa and Paihia.
If you have been to any of these townships or would like a test, our clinic team are COVID testing this Wednesday 13th October and Thursday 14th October from 9-5pm at the Ohaeawai Rugby Clubrooms. Masks, bubble-life, social distancing, lockdowns, border patrols, testing and hand sanitising have got Te Tai Tokerau through hundreds of days without a case but now we have a vaccine available ― vaccination is our very best protection against this virus! Please call us on 09-405 2647 from 8am – 8pm 7 days to kōrero about the vax or to book in for a vax with your whānau. We can direct you to your closest walk-in centre too. For now e te whānau, enjoy your weekend with the people in your bubble and keep safe.

Lee Mason
Board Secretary Support/Kaumātua Kuia KaiawhinaTe Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-NgāpuhiEmail:
Office: (09) 401-5530
Cell: (027) 358 3203