A pānui shared by Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi Chairperson, Mane Tahere, inviting all Uri o Ngāpuhi to attend a hui to collectively prepare for the Hui-ā-Motu called by Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII.
Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi-o-Ngāpuhi are co-ordinating the Ngāpuhi haerenga to the Hui-ā-Motu – National Hui for Unity at Tūrangawaewae Marae on January 20, 2024.
We are calling a huihuinga for our Ngāpuhi Whānau, Hapū, Marae and Iwi to collectively unite to discuss and confirm our travel arrangements.
In preparation for this haerenga we will also confirm the following:
Ngāpuhi’s key message/s
Waiata Tautoko/Kīnaki (Mutunga Rameka has composed a waiata specifically for this haerenga which we will learn at the conclusion of our hui.)
Tākoha that will be laid on the marae to symbolise the contribution Ngāpuhi will make to Te Whakakotahitanga o ngā iwi o te motu.
Hui details
Date – Saturday 13 January 2024
10am-12pm – Huihuinga a Ngāpuhi
12pm-1pm – Kai Nui
1pm-2pm – Waiata practice
We encourage all Whānau, Mokopuna, Taitama Tāne, Taitama Wāhine, Uri o Ngāpuhi attending the National Hui-ā-Motu to attend this huihuinga, learn our waiata, kia tū tika ai te whare tapu o Ngāpuhi.
A pānui inviting whānau to the Annual General Meeting for Te Rūnanga ā Iwi ō Ngāpuhi, shared by Arnold Maunsell.
The Annual General Meeting of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi for the financial year ended 30 June 2023 will be held on Saturday 16 December 2023 at the Rūnanga office (16 Mangakāhia Road, Kaikohe), from 10am.
Itinerary 10:00 am Pōwhiri 10:30 am In-person registration and voting opens / morning tea 11:45 am In-person registration and voting closes 12:00 noon AGM starts
Agenda: 1 Apologies 2 Minutes of AGM 2022 3 Annual Report for 2022/2023 financial year 4 Chairman’s Report 5 Financial and Audit Reports 6 Ngāpuhi Asset Holding Company Report 7 Changes to the Trust Deed (Special Resolution required to pass) 8 Appointment of Auditor for 2023/2024 financial year
Note on Trust Deed changes
Background At the AGM of 24 June 2023, it was resolved by a special majority of over 75% of the adult registered members of Ngāpuhi who voted, that:
The proposed amendments to the Trust Deed of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi, as notified, are for the collective benefit of all Members of Ngāpuhi and are agreed.
The amended Trust Deed was then provided to Te Ohu Kaimoana Limited (‘TOKM’) for review.
TOKM advised that as a next step, the Rūnanga needs to add further minor amendments to the Trust Deed to explicitly meet specific requirements in Schedule 7 of the Māori Fisheries Act 2004 (please see explanatory note for details). The Rūnanga has now incorporated those amendments in the proposed amended Trust Deed. TOKM has reviewed the proposed amended Trust Deed and confirmed that:
It complies with the Act; and
it must be voted on and ratified by not less than 75% of the adult members who vote at a general meeting.
Accordingly, the following resolution is put to the adult members of Ngāpuhi, for your consideration and vote:
RESOLUTION That the proposed amendments to the Trust Deed of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi, as notified, are for the collective benefit of all Members of Ngāpuhi and are agreed.
The proposed Trust Deed changes and voting forms are available on our website ngapuhi.iwi.nz or at the Rūnanga office.
Voting Voters must be 18 years+ members registered with Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi. Voters can register online on our website before voting. Or, if voting in person, voters can register on the day before voting.
Votes can be cast either:
in person at the AGM between 10:30am and 11:45am on Saturday 16 December 2023 at the Rūnanga office; or
by postal vote which must be received by the Returning Officer by 5pm on Friday 15 December 2023. Postal votes may be delivered to the Rūnanga office (by hand, post or email) to:
The Returning Officer
16 Mangakāhia Road, PO Box 263, Kaikohe 0440
We will also hold a livestream of the 12noon AGM on our Facebook page. Please note you cannot vote or post comments via livestream.
The government has recognised it’s unusual to put a region into Alert Level 3 when there are no further cases, however, it is vitally important that we get ahead of any potential spread, set up widespread testing and continue contact tracing efforts. There are confirmed locations of interest in Whangārei and Kāmo, but the positive case is also believed to have travelled to Kawakawa and Paihia.
If you have been to any of these townships or would like a test, our clinic team are COVID testing this Wednesday 13th October and Thursday 14th October from 9-5pm at the Ohaeawai Rugby Clubrooms. Masks, bubble-life, social distancing, lockdowns, border patrols, testing and hand sanitising have got Te Tai Tokerau through hundreds of days without a case but now we have a vaccine available ― vaccination is our very best protection against this virus! Please call us on 09-405 2647 from 8am – 8pm 7 days to kōrero about the vax or to book in for a vax with your whānau. We can direct you to your closest walk-in centre too. For now e te whānau, enjoy your weekend with the people in your bubble and keep safe.
https://teahuahu.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/hokianga_mobile-vaccinations.jpeg12451242adminhttps://teahuahu.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/te-ahuahu.nz-100x300-1.jpgadmin2021-10-11 12:23:372021-12-16 09:26:36COVID TESTING STATION UPDATE FROM TE HAU ORA O NGĀPUHI