Handover ceremony for the Part 1 Report on Stage 2 of Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry – 9 December 2023

A pānui shared by Te Rau Allen with information regarding the formal hand-over ceremony for ‘Tinorangatiratanga me Te Kāwanatanga’, the Part 1 Report on Stage 2 of Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry.


Saturday 9 December 2023 at 9:00 am, Waitangi Treaty Grounds

MC – Pita Tipene and Nicki Wakefield

8.50am – First stage of ceremony

Guests to gather at Hobsons Memorial Gate.

9.00am – Pōwhiri

10.30am Second stage of ceremony – Wai 1040 report handover
Mihi and introductions during the handover ceremony – Pita Tipene & Nicki Wakefield

First speech – Sandra Edmonds, Deputy Director, Waitangi Tribunal Unit

Report handover by Tribunal Members (Judge Craig Coxhead, Dr Robyn Anderson and Dr Ann Parsonsons) to the seven taiwhenua:

  • Takutai Moana;
  • Hokianga;
  • Whangaroa;
  • Te Waimate Taiāmai ki Kaikohe;
  • Mangakāhia;
  • Whāngārei; and
  • Mahurangi and the Gulf Islands.

12.00pm Hākari in Tahuaroa Function Centre

Below are excerpts of a formal letter from Judge C T Coxhead issued on 4 December 2023.

Reminder of Handover for Part 1 of Stage Two Report

  1. These directions are a further reminder to parties that the Tribunal will be holding a handover ceremony for the Tino Rangatiratanga me Te Kāwanatanga, the Part 1 Report on Stage 2 of Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry on 9 December 2023 at Te Whare Rūnanga, Waitangi Treaty Grounds, Paihia, Northland.
  2. Parties are to note that this handover is only for Part 1 of the Stage 2 Report.
  3. The handover ceremony will begin with a pōwhiri at 9.00am and finish formalities at 12pm with a hākari afterwards. Everyone attending is requested to gather at 8.50am to prepare for the pōwhiri.
  4. The handover programme is appended to these directions. The programme is the same that was followed for the Stage 1 Report, He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti – The Declaration and the Treaty report handover.
  5. As stated in my previous directions, and in line with the previous handover process for the Stage 1 Report, He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti – The Declaration and the Treaty, copies of the Report will only be presented to representatives from the seven taiwhenua – Hokianga, Whangaroa, Waimate–Taiāmai ki Kaikohe, Takutai Moana, Whāngārei, Mangakāhia, and Mahurangi and the Gulf Islands (Wai 1040, #2.8.2).
  6. All other claims will receive reports sent directly to them, via their counsel. Claimants should enquire with their counsel to receive their claim copy.
  7. For self-represented claims, the Tribunal will endeavour to ensure the reports reach those claims or make appropriate alternative arrangements as to where the reports can be obtained from.
  8. I reconfirm to parties that no reports other than those presented at the ceremony to the seven taiwhenua, will be handed out by the Tribunal.
  9. Thank you to all those who have RSVP’d, parties are able to do so by emailing
  10. WT**********@ju*****.nz and include the name of your group and how many will be there. Any queries regarding the event can be made to that email or 04 815 9808

UPDATE: Movie Night

18th Nov UPDATE: NEW DATE due to rain, FRIDAY 2ND DECEMBER, starting from 7.30pm Kai/Prizes/Movie at sunset. Nau mai, haere mai to our fun whānau event for 2022 at Parawhenua Marae. Open to all descendants, connected marae and the hāpori/community within Taiamai.

Come enjoy Lion King Reo Māori outdoors under the stars on a 15sqm Big Screen. A smokefree event sponsored by Hāpai Te Hauora. BYO chair & blanket.

Our Free Whānau Event is on this Saturday 19th November.

Proudly SMOKEFREE and sponsored by Hāpai Te Hauora with additional sponsorship from Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngāpuhi.

Remember to bring your own chair, blanket, and mokopuna.

Nau mai Taiamai. Limited capacity. Check back on the website on Friday 18th for any weather postponement.

UPDATE: Disney’s Lion King Reo Māori at Parawhenua Marae

UPDATE FRIDAY 18TH: There is rain forecast on Saturday evening so our Bigscreen Outdoor Screening is postponed to Friday 2nd Dec.⏬️⏬️⏬️ Keep reading⏬️⏬️

➡️ HOWEVER we will still be playing the movie indoors on the marae tv at Parawhenua tomorrow night. Still smoke-free, still with a sausage sizzle, popcorn and prizes ??. Being indoors masks will be available.

Fun whānau event during our weekend hapū gathering at Parawhenua Marae. Open to all whānau and connected marae in Taiamai rohe.  

August Hapū Hui Postponed

August Hapū Hui POSTPONED

Kia ora koutou,

we hope you are all well and keeping safe at this time. 

Our hapū kaiwhakahaere had our zoom lastnight for our hapū hui just as things unfolded nationally.

Unfortunately our weekend hapū hui is postponed due to Aotearoa’s level 4 COVID-19 lockdown. Protecting whānau health and wellbeing is the priority.

A decision for a rescheduled hapū hui date is yet to come as we allow time for whānau to adjust and get home safely. All will be notified asap to next steps, hopefully within the next 7days.

Until then, this has energised our hapū comms team to host a 1-2hr whakawhanaungatanga zoom this Saturday from 2pm-4pm registered uri. This gives us all an opportunity to get to know each other better, to meet and greet, have a health and wellbeing checkin and share, and experience each other’s thoughts, queries, and aspirations for our hapū in a safe environment.

This is not intended as the proposed weekend hui agenda that was sent out, but merely as an opportunity to manaaki everyone and action a live whanaungatanga online space.

All registered uri will be sent an invite via email.

How do you feel about this whānau? Email us your thoughts.

Kia haumaru!

21-22 August hui notice & agenda

August weekend hui notice