Handover ceremony for the Part 1 Report on Stage 2 of Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry – 9 December 2023
A pānui shared by Te Rau Allen with information regarding the formal hand-over ceremony for ‘Tinorangatiratanga me Te Kāwanatanga’, the Part 1 Report on Stage 2 of Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry.
Saturday 9 December 2023 at 9:00 am, Waitangi Treaty Grounds
MC – Pita Tipene and Nicki Wakefield
8.50am – First stage of ceremony
Guests to gather at Hobsons Memorial Gate.
9.00am – Pōwhiri
10.30am Second stage of ceremony – Wai 1040 report handover
Mihi and introductions during the handover ceremony – Pita Tipene & Nicki Wakefield
First speech – Sandra Edmonds, Deputy Director, Waitangi Tribunal Unit
Report handover by Tribunal Members (Judge Craig Coxhead, Dr Robyn Anderson and Dr Ann Parsonsons) to the seven taiwhenua:
- Takutai Moana;
- Hokianga;
- Whangaroa;
- Te Waimate Taiāmai ki Kaikohe;
- Mangakāhia;
- Whāngārei; and
- Mahurangi and the Gulf Islands.
12.00pm Hākari in Tahuaroa Function Centre
Below are excerpts of a formal letter from Judge C T Coxhead issued on 4 December 2023.
Reminder of Handover for Part 1 of Stage Two Report
- These directions are a further reminder to parties that the Tribunal will be holding a handover ceremony for the Tino Rangatiratanga me Te Kāwanatanga, the Part 1 Report on Stage 2 of Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry on 9 December 2023 at Te Whare Rūnanga, Waitangi Treaty Grounds, Paihia, Northland.
- Parties are to note that this handover is only for Part 1 of the Stage 2 Report.
- The handover ceremony will begin with a pōwhiri at 9.00am and finish formalities at 12pm with a hākari afterwards. Everyone attending is requested to gather at 8.50am to prepare for the pōwhiri.
- The handover programme is appended to these directions. The programme is the same that was followed for the Stage 1 Report, He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti – The Declaration and the Treaty report handover.
- As stated in my previous directions, and in line with the previous handover process for the Stage 1 Report, He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti – The Declaration and the Treaty, copies of the Report will only be presented to representatives from the seven taiwhenua – Hokianga, Whangaroa, Waimate–Taiāmai ki Kaikohe, Takutai Moana, Whāngārei, Mangakāhia, and Mahurangi and the Gulf Islands (Wai 1040, #2.8.2).
- All other claims will receive reports sent directly to them, via their counsel. Claimants should enquire with their counsel to receive their claim copy.
- For self-represented claims, the Tribunal will endeavour to ensure the reports reach those claims or make appropriate alternative arrangements as to where the reports can be obtained from.
- I reconfirm to parties that no reports other than those presented at the ceremony to the seven taiwhenua, will be handed out by the Tribunal.
- Thank you to all those who have RSVP’d, parties are able to do so by emailing
- WT**********@ju*****.nz and include the name of your group and how many will be there. Any queries regarding the event can be made to that email or 04 815 9808