Hapū student nominations are open! Marine Kaitiaki Course 2024
Sharing this notice from our whanaunga Rio Greening who has had a helping hand in this Marine Kaitiaki Course initiative for rangatahi from Te Pewhairangi/Bay of Islands.
We are happy to announce that all hapū student nominations for the 2024 Marine Kaitiaki Course are OPEN and welcomed!!
If you are connected with whanau who have rangatahi aged 18 – late 20’s who would be interested in diving into a marine conservation career or have a deep interest in kaitiakitanga o te moana, please share this information with them.
Anyone interested in this course can learn more about the program and apply on our website, trioceans.org/kaitiaki.
They can fill out the online application directly at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVAN4GrXda0DrZxpSuGIQspmOI9w7nlblgXk25vJazTN4Bew/viewform?usp=sf_link

Kaitiaki insights into implementation of future RM system
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Kaitiaki insights into implementation of our future resource management system
He mihi – Thank you for attending our online engagement hui on Tuesday 22 November 2022 to discuss the key considerations for transitioning and implementing the future resource management system.
Marine Kaitiaki NEWSLETTER May 2022
Kia ora koutou,
I hope everyone is well and warm. We have officially completed our third month of course, with a fresh Newsletter created by our trainees!
Please see the attached May Newsletter and as always feel free to share this out. I’ve also attached a list describing each of the student’s Kaitiaki Course Project ideas so that you can see what interests they are currently pursuing. As we support them in their project implementations here at TriOceans, any insight or suppport you may have for these studetns please feel free to contact me at ka***@tr*******.org.
Each day of this course we are seeing so much growth and confidence shine through these amazing young kaitiaki. We graciously thank you for your continued support of this mahi and their ultimate success. Have a wonderful weekend!
Nga mihi nui,
Kayla Keyes
Education Director
Tangaroa Research Institute of Oceanographic Studies (TriOceans)
32/10 Klinac Lane • Waipapa • 0295 • New Zealand
Have your say about proposed sustainability measures for fish stocks
Just sharing links to the consultation documents below, please have your say. Consultations close on Feb 8th so not much time Arohamai.
Consultation documents
Review of sustainability measures for scallop (SCA 1 and SCA CS) for 2022 [PDF, 2.9 MB]
Review of sustainability measures for rock lobster (CRA 1,7 and 8) for 2022 [PDF, 1.9 MB]
Review of sustainability measures for hapuku/bass (HPB 7 and 8) for 2022 [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Review of sustainability measures for redbait (RBT 7) for 2022 [PDF, 581 KB]
Review of sustainability measures for southern blue whiting (SBW 6B) for 2022 [PDF, 752 KB]
If you require hard copies of documents or any other information, email FM***********@mp*.nz
Summary table of the proposals
Stocks proposed to have their catch limits, allowances, and deemed values reviewed as part of the 1 April 2022 sustainability round.
Stock | Proposal | Rationale for review |
Rock lobster – CRA 7 and 8Otago and Southland | ↑ | Rock lobster is a highly valued shared stock, and one of the most valuable wild-caught inshore fisheries, earning ~$200M in exports annually.Recent stock assessment results suggest that the stocks are above the BMSY reference level, is predicted to increase under current catches, and could sustain up to a 15% increase to the TAC. An increase to the TACC is proposed to allow fishers to realise this utilisation opportunity. |
Rock lobster – CRA 1Northland and Wellington/Hawke’s Bay | ↓ | A rapid assessment update for CRA 1 suggest that this stock will stay just above its BMSY reference level with current catches. A small decrease to the TAC is proposed to increase the certainty that this stock continues to increase in biomass above the reference level. |
Scallops – SCA 1 and SCA CSNorthland, Auckland and Coromandel | ↓ | Surveys carried out in 2021 show an overall decline in the biomass and abundance in both SCA 1 and SCA CS from historical levels, with substantive declines in many core scallop beds since the previous survey. Fisheries New Zealand considers that the current biomass and abundance of scallops in SCA 1 and SCA CS are at levels that do not support sustainable fishing at the current catch limits and allowances. Management options are proposed to help rebuild the fishery. |
Hāpuku/Bass – HPB 7 and HPB 8West Coast South Island and Taranaki | ↓ | HPB 7 and 8 consists of 2 groper species (both with an October fishing year) – hapuku and bass. HPB 7 and 8 have not been reviewed since it was introduced into the QMS in 1986. Commercial catch of both stocks has been trending downwards since 2015/16 and is now substantially lower than the TACC (<50% of the TACC). HPB 7 and 8 are a low information stock with no accepted index of abundance. Reviewing the stocks would allow TACs and allowances to be set, and give due consideration to whether current catches are sustainable. This follows a similar review for other North Island HPB stocks (HPB 1 and 2) in the October Round. |
Redbait – RBT 7West coasts of the South and North islands | ↓ | RBT 7 is a low knowledge commercial species that occurs throughout the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Redbait in RBT 7 is predominantly caught as a bycatch species of the Jack mackerel trawl fishery on the West Coast South Island. Annual catch landings of redbait have decreased from 1,700 tonnes in 2007 to less than 30 tonnes in recent years. This substantive decrease has not been attributed to a similar degree of reduction in Jack mackerel targeted fishing effort. The TACC is currently set at 2,841 tonnes and has remained unchanged since 2009. |
Southern blue whiting – SBW 6BBounty Island | ↓ | The agreed management approach for SBW 6B involves recommending catch limits based on the application of a harvest control (or decision) rule to the results from an annual abundance survey for the stock. This approach was introduced in 2017 but due to logistical issues (bad weather, timing, and inability to locate a stable spawning aggregation), this survey has not produced a biomass estimate for the last 4 years. Fisheries New Zealand is proposing a precautionary decrease to the commercial catch limits of this stock.Despite this, preliminary fish length data from samples taken in the recent fishing season indicates recruitment into the fishery. However, until this data is analysed, the strength of this new year class is unknown. As such, Fisheries New Zealand is proposing a precautionary decrease to the commercial catch limits of this stock. |
Making your submission
You must send us your submission before 5pm on Tuesday, 8 February 2022.
We encourage you to use the submission template to help you give feedback.
Submission form – template [DOCX, 75 KB]
Email your completed submission to FM***********@mp*.nz
While we prefer email, you can also post your submission to:
2021 Sustainability Review
Fisheries Management
Fisheries New Zealand
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
New Zealand.
What to include
Make sure you tell us in your submission:
- the title of the consultation document
- your name and title
- your organisation’s name (if you are submitting on behalf of an organisation, and whether your submission represents the whole organisation or a section of it)
- your contact details (such as phone number, address, and email).
Marine Kaitiaki Course
Sharing this notice from our whanaunga Rio Greening who has had a helping hand in this Marine Kaitiaki Course initiative for rangatahi from Te Pewhairangi/Bay of Islands. If there are any rangatahi interested we encourage whānau to support them to apply. Applications close January 8th 2022, see flyer for more details.

Arohatia Te Taiao – ‘Share your hopes & fears for the future of our Taiao’

Anei whānau, sharing a notification for feedback request on our taiao within Northland from Te Rūnanga Papa Atawhai O Te Tai Tokerau. Kia ora – Hello! Please, we need your help. We all love living in Te Tai Tokerau Northland, right? And we all love having access and spending time in our Taiao, right? And we all want our backyard to be healthy and thriving, right? Well, we need Northlanders’ to share their views on this, so we can clearly talk about our aspirations for the future and make sure strategy and planning reflects a strong community voice. Click here for more details. Te Rūnanga Papa Atawhai O Te Tai Tokerau/Northland Conservation Board is really excited to be championing this kaupapa and is asking every day Northlanders’ to share their hopes and fears for the future of our Taiao. (We are particularly keen to hear from our young people). What we need help with. Please ![]() We are also going to be running a competition and asking people to send in videos of their aspirations for our future. Follow the fun on Facebook by clicking here. As a leader here in Te Tai Tokerau Northland, we know this is as important to you as it is to us. Ngā mihi for your awhi for this kaupapa – we really appreciate it! Tania McInnes Chair and Project Lead |